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Communities of Practice

As part of my artistic, personal and professional practice I strive to engage with a variety of communities of practice. Fostering CoP within the art room, school and studio help to create opportunities to learn, to grow, to devlop the very best practices and innovative approaches to curriculum development for our students alongside creating spaces of support for peers and colleagues on their creative and educational journey's. 

PME Exhibition of Student Work

As part of the Professional Masters of Education course we exhibited student work from School Placement 2. Through the journey of submitting, installing and setting up the exhibition it created a unique reflective space to silently examine our own practices and academic journeys. But also became a vital community of practice to engage with my peers. Spending time discussing work, UoL's, lesson plans and methodologies gave a richer insight into the variety of art and teaching practices that are out there. Exchanging ideas and strategies provided fruitful sessions of learning and reflection that I hope will continue practicing long into career.


PME Workshops

As part of our PME course we engaged in modules such as curriculum and creative practice where we examined the relationship between subject knowledge and subject application by engaging with creative workshops in printmaking, painting, ceramics and digital media along with examining curricula frameworks for art and design. Through employing a/r/tographical research and reflective practices the module introduced us to the practices of curriculum planning and development in art and design.

Digital Media

Stop Motion Animation - Sailing journey
ICT coursework assisted us in the exploration of the multiple possibilities for using digital media within the art, craft and design classroom. Building links between e-learning and everyday digital behaviour. Continuous exploration has shown a variety of opportunities to incorporate and use digital media to support differentiated learning, technological skills development and literacy skills 
Digital poster design created using Mobile Apps -  Advert for animal food dispenser




Book Creator

Throughout the course we documented and reflected in our virtual sketchbooks using the Book Creator app. The sketchbook offered us an opportunity to develop our reflective practice, digital skillsets, allowing us opportunities to investigating and respond to a variety of media, themes and colleagues work. Book Creator allowed us to record our engagement with the variety of practices, new skillsets, our peers and a space to critically reflect on our practices. 

© 2035 by Nikita Oakley

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