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Research Report
'To what extent does peer collaboration in critical and contextual studies assist the development of creative and critical thinking, visual literacy, and communication skills?'
This qualitative action research study seeks to investigate and explore the three main areas of focus: critical and creative thinking, visual literacy, and communication skills of junior cycle visual art students. The project is relevant due to the ongoing changes in both junior and senior cycle curriculums. These changes have seen a move towards students having more autonomy over their learning journeys, taking the learning from theory to practice and beyond. Through practice and engagement with higher order skills students will become well-rounded learners and practitioners. The aims of this focus of study are to: (I) Identify the best methods for improving student’s self-efficacy in discussing artwork and ideas in front of their class and/or larger groups. (II) Establish critical thinking and questioning skills throughout class and solo projects. (III) Compare the impact of articulation on student and teacher relations at the start and at the end of this research study. Action research was the theoretical framework that was employed in this research study. Multiple methods of data collections were used to gain insight into this junior cycle participant group. The findings of this study demonstrated a greater engagement with visual literacy and creative thinking skills along with an overall improvement in participants communication skills.
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